pam.d excryptfs, szyfrowanie katalogu domowego nowych użytkowników

Tematy związane z oprogramowaniem, instalacją, konfiguracją
Posty: 1
Rejestracja: 13 lutego 2013, 20:41

pam.d excryptfs, szyfrowanie katalogu domowego nowych użytkowników

Post autor: lukahinjo »

Od kilku dni męczę się z szyfrowaniem $home dla nowych użytkowników logujących się w systemie.

Po kolei:
  1. Na serwerze mam zainstalowane oprogramowanie ldap.
  2. Autoryzuję użytkowników przez sssd (prawidłowo skonfigurowany pam.d).
  3. Chcę aby nowy użytkownik w momencie logowanie miał stworzony katalog domowy zaszyfrowany ecryptfs.
    I wszystko jest dobrze, użytkownik loguje się, tworzy się katalog $home, montują się ecrypt
    ale po wylogowaniu i próbie ponownego logowanie nie chce się montować ecrypt.
Pliki konfiguracyjne:

tworzenie katalogu $home

Kod: Zaznacz cały

cat /etc/security/ecryptfs 

home=`eval echo ~$PAM_USER`

read password

if [ -d $ecryptfs ];  then
    # ecryptfs is set
    echo "Ecryptfs is already configured"
    exit 0
elif [ `id -u` == 0 ]; then
    # Setup ecryptfs and make home
    umask 077
    mkdir -p $home
    group=`id -gn $PAM_USER`
    chown $PAM_RUSER:$group $home

    ecryptfs-setup-private -u $PAM_USER -l "$password" -b --nopwcheck
    exit 0
    # NOT ROOT
    echo "Cannot login with 'su' for the first time"
    exit 1

pliki pam.d

Kod: Zaznacz cały

cat /etc/pam.d/common-account /etc/pam.d/common-auth /etc/pam.d/common-password /etc/pam.d/common-session /etc/pam.d/kdm
# /etc/pam.d/common-account - authorization settings common to all services
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of the authorization modules that define
# the central access policy for use on the system.  The default is to
# only deny service to users whose accounts are expired in /etc/shadow.
# As of pam 1.0.1-6, this file is managed by pam-auth-update by default.
# To take advantage of this, it is recommended that you configure any
# local modules either before or after the default block, and use
# pam-auth-update to manage selection of other modules.  See
# pam-auth-update(8) for details.

# here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block)
account [success=1 new_authtok_reqd=done default=ignore] 
# here's the fallback if no module succeeds
account requisite             
# prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn't one already;
# this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success code
# since the modules above will each just jump around
account required              
# and here are more per-package modules (the "Additional" block)
account sufficient                             
account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore] 
# end of pam-auth-update config

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# /etc/pam.d/common-auth - authentication settings common to all services
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of the authentication modules that define
# the central authentication scheme for use on the system
# (e.g., /etc/shadow, LDAP, Kerberos, etc.).  The default is to use the
# traditional Unix authentication mechanisms.
# As of pam 1.0.1-6, this file is managed by pam-auth-update by default.
# To take advantage of this, it is recommended that you configure any
# local modules either before or after the default block, and use
# pam-auth-update to manage selection of other modules.  See
# pam-auth-update(8) for details.

# here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block)
auth    [success=2 default=ignore] nullok_secure
auth    [success=1 default=ignore]             use_first_pass
#auth   optional
# here's the fallback if no module succeeds
auth    requisite             
# prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn't one already;
# this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success code
# since the modules above will each just jump around
auth    required              
auth    optional unwrap
auth    required     expose_authtok /etc/security/ecryptfs
# and here are more per-package modules (the "Additional" block)
#auth    required     expose_authtok /etc/security/ecryptfs
#auth   optional unwrap
#auth   required unwrap
# end of pam-auth-update config
#####auth    optional   unwrap

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# /etc/pam.d/common-password - password-related modules common to all services
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of modules that define the services to be
# used to change user passwords.  The default is pam_unix.

# Explanation of pam_unix options:
# The "sha512" option enables salted SHA512 passwords.  Without this option,
# the default is Unix crypt.  Prior releases used the option "md5".
# The "obscure" option replaces the old `OBSCURE_CHECKS_ENAB' option in
# login.defs.
# See the pam_unix manpage for other options.

# As of pam 1.0.1-6, this file is managed by pam-auth-update by default.
# To take advantage of this, it is recommended that you configure any
# local modules either before or after the default block, and use
# pam-auth-update to manage selection of other modules.  See
# pam-auth-update(8) for details.

# here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block)
#password       optional

password        optional 
password        [success=2 default=ignore] obscure sha512
password        sufficient                             

# here's the fallback if no module succeeds
password        requisite             
# prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn't one already;
# this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success code
# since the modules above will each just jump around
password        required              
# and here are more per-package modules (the "Additional" block)
#password       optional 
# end of pam-auth-update config

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# /etc/pam.d/common-session - session-related modules common to all services
# This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
# and should contain a list of modules that define tasks to be performed
# at the start and end of sessions of *any* kind (both interactive and
# non-interactive).
# As of pam 1.0.1-6, this file is managed by pam-auth-update by default.
# To take advantage of this, it is recommended that you configure any
# local modules either before or after the default block, and use
# pam-auth-update to manage selection of other modules.  See
# pam-auth-update(8) for details.

# here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block)
#session        optional
session [default=1]           
# here's the fallback if no module succeeds
session requisite             
# prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn't one already;
# this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success code
# since the modules above will each just jump around
session required              
# and here are more per-package modules (the "Additional" block)
session required 
session optional                               
session required /usr/lib/libpam-mklocaluser/
session optional unwrap
session optional     seteuid /etc/security/mkhome
# end of pam-auth-update config

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# /etc/pam.d/kdm - specify the PAM behaviour of kdm
auth       required
auth            optional unwrap

auth       required readenv=1
auth       required readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale
@include common-auth
session    required
@include common-account
@include common-password
@include common-session

I jeszcze:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

cat /etc/skel/.bash_logout 
# ~/.bash_logout: executed by bash(1) when login shell exits.

# when leaving the console clear the screen to increase privacy

if [ "$SHLVL" = 1 ]; then
    [ -x /usr/bin/clear_console ] && /usr/bin/clear_console -q
luka@tqdesk7:~$ cat /etc/skel/.bash_
.bash_logout   .bash_profile  
luka@tqdesk7:~$ cat /etc/skel/.bash_profile 
if test -e $HOME/.ecryptfs/auto-mount; then
  mount | grep "$HOME/Private type ecryptfs"
  if test $? != 0; then
    mount -i $HOME/Private
A oto logi:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

Feb 13 21:01:50 tqdesk7 kdm_greet[4878]: Cannot load /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/faces/.default.face: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
Feb 13 21:01:54 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4877]: Error attempting to parse .ecryptfsrc file; rc = [-13]
Feb 13 21:01:54 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4892]: pam_ecryptfs: NULL passphrase; aborting
Feb 13 21:01:54 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4877]: Error attempting to parse .ecryptfsrc file; rc = [-13]
Feb 13 21:01:54 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4893]: pam_ecryptfs: Passphrase file wrapped
Feb 13 21:01:55 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4893]: Error attempting to open [/home/lukasz/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase] for reading
Feb 13 21:01:55 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4893]: Error attempting to unwrap passphrase from file [/home/lukasz/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase]; rc = [-5]
Feb 13 21:01:55 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4893]: pam_ecryptfs: Error adding passphrase key token to user session keyring; rc = [-5]
Feb 13 21:01:57 tqdesk7 kdm: :1 '[4910]: Cannot update authorization file in home dir /home/lukasz
Feb 13 21:01:57 tqdesk7 kdm: :1 '[4910]: Session log file according to .xsession-errors-%d cannot be created: Permission denied
Feb 13 21:02:01 tqdesk7 kdm: :1[4981]: Cannot update authorization file in home dir /home/lukasz
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