Problem z migracj

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Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 09 listopada 2010, 12:31

Problem z migracją z leciwej maszyny (squid + e2guardian + silentbob)

Post autor: stefan1818 »

Szkoła specjalna, projekt hobbystyczny :)
Serwer pracuje na starej mandarynce.
Stara konfiguracja squid 2.6 + silentbob firewall ( + dansguardian

Nowa maszyna stoi na debianie jessie
Squid 3.4
silentbob firewall
e2guardian (fork dansguardiana)

Problem jest taki, że konfiguracja śmiga na starym squidzie, na nowym natomiast działa tylko ruch po https, dodatkowo w logach pojawiają się dziwne błędy.
Siedzę już tydzień nad tym problemem i pomysły zaczynają mi się kończyć. Oczywiście google nie za bardzo chce mi pomóc. Wygląda to na błędną konfigurację nowego squida w którym to opcja transparent została zastąpiona opcją intercept, która jest moim zdaniem słabo udokumentowana. Nie znalazłem nigdzie przykładów jej wykorzystania - być może robię coś źle, ale już próbowałem wszystkich możliwych opcji i ciągle ściana ;/

Konfiguracja squida:

Kod: Zaznacz cały


acl localnet src    # pierwsza sieć
acl localnet src    # pierwsza sieć

acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80        # http
acl Safe_ports port 21        # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443        # https
acl Safe_ports port 70        # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210        # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535    # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280        # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488        # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591        # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777        # multiling http
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost manager
http_access deny manager
http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
http_port intercept

cache_mem 2048 MB
maximum_object_size 4 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid3 8192 16 256

cache_swap_low 85
cache_swap_high 95

coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3

refresh_pattern ^ftp:        1440    20%    10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:    1440    0%    1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0    0%    0
refresh_pattern .        0    20%    4320

konfiguracja silentbob:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

#                                                                    #
#  This file was generated by '' tool.             #
#  You can edit it by hands or use the script configuration.         #
#  Lines begining with '#' are regarded as comments.                 #
#                                                                    #

#                                                                    #
# firewall.config   1.0.6   by Jay                                   #
#                                                                    #
#  Copyright 2002 Jerome Nokin                                       #
#                                                                    #
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify#
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by#
#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or   #
#(at your option) any later version.                                 #
#                                                                    #
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,     #
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of      #
#GNU General Public License for more details.                        #
#                                                                    #
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   #
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software         #
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,               #
#MA  02111-1307  USA                                                 #
#                                                                    #

#  INTERFACES                                                       #  

### LAN Interfaces
# May be more than one (ex: (eth0 eth1))
# Please leave interfaces between () and no ""
# Interfaces must be up for ip dection
INT_IFACE=(eth1 eth2)

### External Interface
# May be more than one (ex: "eth2 eth3")
# Interfaces must be up for ip dection

#           TRAFFIC                                                 #

### Your Friends
# DHCP_SERVER is the DHCP of your IPS, leave blank if don't know it 
# or if you don't use DHCP.
# (you can find it in your "pump" log)
# DNS is the DNS of your ISP (separated with spaces)

### Allow connections from the World ..
# Give the list of TCP/UDP ports that you want to allow 
# on your box (and for which interface).
# Syntax: "<iface1>;port1,port2,port3 <iface2>;<port1>,<port2>"
# Example: "ppp0;22,80 ppp1;25,110"

### Allow connections from the LAN ..
# Leave TCP_INT_IN="*" for allow all TCP connections from 
# youur LAN (idem for UDP), if not :  
# Give the list of TCP/UDP ports that you want to allow on your 
# box (and for which interface). '*' mean all ports
# Syntax: "<iface1>;<port1>,<port2>,<port3> <iface2>;<port1>,<port2>"
# Example: "eth0;22,80,8080 eth1;*"
# Remeber that allowing ssh connections is always a good idea 
# when you're testing this feature ... ;)

### TCP & UDP Forward
# ( separated with spaces, 
#   ex: "eth0>20100:21100> eth1>21>" )
# syntax:
#   iface[,iface]>dport[:dport]>dest-ip[:dport]   
# example:
#  - redirect port 21 from eth0 and eth1 to
#     "eth0,eth1>21>"
#  - redirect port 2121 from ppp0 to on port 21
#     "ppp0>2121>"

#  POST / PRE Scripts                                               # 

### POST START script (run after the 'start')
# Add a list of scripts separated by a ;
# ps: 'restart' = 'stop' + 'start'

### PRE START script (run before the 'start')

### POST STOP script (run after the 'stop')

### PRE STOP script (run before the 'stop')

# OPTIONS                                                           #

### Do you have ADSL/Cable/IDSN/... ?
# Enable this option if you have a dynamic ip.
# Your established connections will not be lost
# during a reconnection .

### Share Internet over your LAN ?

### This option is necessary if you want to use IRC on your LAN 

### Your Linux box is a DHCP server for the LAN ?

### Transparents Proxy
# Write the proxies ports of your LAN

### Can we be pinged by the world ?
# remember that the LAN can Always ping the server

### Hosts allowed to ping the linux box (only if PING_FOR_ALL = "0")

### Enable TCP control

### Enable ICMP Control

### Give wich ICMP you want to drop (separate with spaces)
# Please enter the real name of the icmp type
# ex: network-unreachable, host-unreachable, ... 
# (see 'iptables -p icmp --help' for the list)

### Enable Spoofing control (bad ips)

### Set firewall in verbose mode ?
alias ECHO="#echo"

### Logging Options

### ULOG
# If you don't want to write all dropped packets to your syslog files,
# you can use ULOGD. Give only the 'nlgroup' value of your ulogd.conf.
# Leave blank if you don't want to use ULOGD.

#       Hosts Blocking List                                         #
# IP and MAC control                                                #
# Reject spyware, doubleclick and co.                               #
# Give the target of a (or more) ip file                            #
#                                                                   #
# (SEE README & SPYWARES!)                                          #

####### Directory where input and output files are located
# default /var/lib/firewall-jay/

####### ULOG
# If you don't want to write all dropped packets to your syslog files,
# you can use ULOGD. Give only the 'nlgroup' value of your ulogd.conf. 
# Leave blank if you don't want to use ULOGD.

####### Incoming traffic 'from' IPs
# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

# Filename of ip files (in DENY_DIR directory)
# You can enter more than one file, leave a space between them.

# Log activity

####### Outgoing traffic 'to' IPs

# Filename of ip files (in DENY_DIR directory)
# You can enter more than one file, leave a space between them.

# Log activity

####### Incoming traffic 'from' MACs
# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

# Filename of mac files (in DENY_DIR directory)
# You can enter more than one file, leave a space between them.

# Log activity

#    Type Of Service (TOS)                                          #
# Set better performance to your bandwidth                          #

# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

# Give services which require minimum delay like 
# interactives services (ssh , telnet, ...)

# Give services which require maximum throughput (ftp-data, ...)

#  VPN  - VTUND                                                     #

### Give the devices used for tunneling
# (separated with spaces, ex: "tun0 tun1")

### Give the subnet allowed in your LAN
# (separated with spaces, ex:"")

### Give the ports allowed for TUN_SUBNET
# (separated with spaces)
# "*" give access to all ports

#  VPN  - PPTP                                                      #
#                                                                   #
#  --- Only PPTP server on localhost work for this time ----        #
#                                                                   #
# Your are able to set up a pptp server on this                     #
# localhost, or on a LAN behind this firewall                       #

# PPTP server on LOCALHOST
# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

### Port of Pptp server (default 1723)

### Incoming connections from clients are on which interface(s) ?

### Give the subnet of your VPN (ex:

### Which subnets except your new Virtual Network can use 
# the VPN connection (ex: the local subnet of your client)

### Do you want to allow the access to your LAN from the VPN ?

### Do you want to allow the access to your Internet connection from the VPN ?

# PPTP server on LAN 
# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

### Ip of Ipsec server (ex:

### Port of Pptp server (default 1723)

#  VPN  - IPSEC                                                     #
#                                                                   #
# Your are able to set up a ipsec server on this localhost,         #
# or on a LAN behind this firewall                                  # 

# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

### Port of Ipsec server (default 500)

# IPSEC server on LAN
# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

### Ip of Ipsec server (ex:

### Port of Ipsec server (default 500)

# NETFILTER & IPROUTE                                               #
# If you want to mark packets for playing                           #
# with iproute2, give port/ip to be marked                          #
#                                                                   #
#       MARK_TCP="port1>mark1 port2>mark2 ..."                      #
#  ex.  MARK_TCP="110>1 30000:30100>2"                              #
#                                                                   #
# MARK_IP  -> mark packets comming "from" IP                        #
# MARK_TCP -> mark packets destined "to" tcp port                   #
# MARK_UDP -> mark packets destined "to" udp port                   #

# Enable (1) / Disable (0)

# CUSTOM RULES FILE                                                 #
# Give the path to the custom rules file                            #
# The file will be started like a script in                         #
# the beginning of the firewall                                     #
#                                                                   #
# Default : /var/lib/firewall-jay/firewall-custom.rules             #

# 1 (enable) / 0 (disable) 

# Path to custom file
logi squid:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

ERROR: No forward-proxy port configured

Nie wiem jeszcze jakie pliki będą potrzebne - może ktoś już konfigurował wcześniej squida 3.4 i miał podobny problem.

ps. nawet bez podłączenia e2guardiana nie działa.
Posty: 1343
Rejestracja: 08 lutego 2008, 12:58
Lokalizacja: localhost@śląskie

Post autor: mariaczi »

Squida ustawiasz na porcie 3128

Kod: Zaznacz cały

http_port intercept
a w konfiguracji silentbob'a masz

Kod: Zaznacz cały

### Transparents Proxy 
# Write the proxies ports of your
Nie powinny się czasem te porty zgadzać? Nie zagłębiałem się jak silentbob przetwarza konfigurację.

Tutaj: ... http-https masz dokładnie opisaną instalację i konfigurację squida w wersji 3. Zapoznaj się z "STEP 2" - konfiguracja, nie musisz użyć certyfikatów oraz "STEP 5" - wysłanie ruchu na odpowiednie porty.
Poza tym warto czasem konfigurację całości wykonywać krok po kroku ;)

Wytłumaczenie z oficjalnego WIKI, skąd masz błąd ... ProxyPorts
Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 09 listopada 2010, 12:31

Post autor: stefan1818 »

mariaczi pisze:Squida ustawiasz na porcie 3128

Kod: Zaznacz cały

http_port intercept
a w konfiguracji silentbob'a masz

Kod: Zaznacz cały

### Transparents Proxy 
# Write the proxies ports of your
Nie powinny się czasem te porty zgadzać? Nie zagłębiałem się jak silentbob przetwarza konfigurację.

Tutaj: ... http-https masz dokładnie opisaną instalację i konfigurację squida w wersji 3. Zapoznaj się z "STEP 2" - konfiguracja, nie musisz użyć certyfikatów oraz "STEP 5" - wysłanie ruchu na odpowiednie porty.
Poza tym warto czasem konfigurację całości wykonywać krok po kroku ;)

Wytłumaczenie z oficjalnego WIKI, skąd masz błąd ... ProxyPorts
Witaj !
Dziękuję za odpowiedź. Tak faktycznie masz rację - powinny się zgadzać, ale u mnie jest jeszcze po drodze e2guardian, który powinien filtrować ruch, szczególnie chodzi o pornografię i przemoc (nie zamieściłem jego konfiguracji która jest mniej więcej taka:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# Network Settings
# the IP that DansGuardian listens on.  If left blank DansGuardian will
# listen on all IPs.  That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc.
# Normally you would have your firewall protecting this, but if you want
# you can limit it to a certain IP. To bind to multiple interfaces,
# specify each IP on an individual filterip line.
filterip =

# the port that DansGuardian listens to.
filterport = 3128

# the ip of the proxy (default is the loopback - i.e. this server)
proxyip =

# the port DansGuardian connects to proxy on
proxyport = 8080
Teraz powinno się zgadzać :) Tylko niestety ja konfigurację testowałem na samym squidzie i też niestety nie działa.
W tym linku co Podałeś widzę, że dodatkowo musze odblokować port 3129 i przekierować na niego ruch z https ?
W starej konfiguracji przy squidzie 2.6 było tylko 1 przekierowanie i obsługiwało cały ruch ;/
Przy jednym porcie działają tylko strony https, zwykłe nie działają.
Posty: 1343
Rejestracja: 08 lutego 2008, 12:58
Lokalizacja: localhost@śląskie

Post autor: mariaczi »

stefan1818 pisze:W tym linku co Podałeś widzę, że dodatkowo musze odblokować port 3129 i przekierować na niego ruch z https ?
Nie zagłębiałem się z Squida w wersji 3, zatem ani nie potwierdzę ani nie zaprzeczę Twemu stwierdzeniu. Proponuję Ci raz jeszcze, konfiguruj klocki po kolei - najpierw skonfiguruj squida, jak będzie działał dołącz e2guardian. Na koniec uruchom firewalla i ew. popraw jego konfigurację.
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 6367
Rejestracja: 09 sierpnia 2007, 21:41
Lokalizacja: PL

Post autor: Yampress »

No właśnie. Port połączenia DansGuardian nie zgadza się z tym na jakim pracuje squid.
Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 09 listopada 2010, 12:31

Post autor: stefan1818 »

Yampress pisze:No właśnie. Port połączenia DansGuardian nie zgadza się z tym na jakim pracuje squid.
Tak wiem, mój błąd, gdyż w mojej konfiguracji jeszcze przed squidem znajduje się e2guardian, którego konfiguracji zapomniałem wrzucić :)
W poniedziałek się wezmę ostro do przeinstalowania wg rad kolegi z forum i mam nadzieję, że pomoże :)

Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 09 listopada 2010, 12:31

Post autor: stefan1818 »

Jeszcze jedno pytanie, w linku którym podał mariaczi jest napisane aby zbudować paczkę dla squida z włączonymi opcjami ssl. Czy jest możliwość sprawdzenia czy jak instalowałem squida bezpośrednio z repo debiana mam to włączone, ewentualnie jak tą opcję włączyć w zainstalowanym już pakiecie ? Szukałem ale wszystko co znalazłem prowadza się do kompilowania od zera z dodanymi odpowiednimi warunkami ;/
Posty: 1343
Rejestracja: 08 lutego 2008, 12:58
Lokalizacja: localhost@śląskie

Post autor: mariaczi »

Pomiń chwilowo ssl. Skonfiguruj na początek dla samego http. Jak zadziała, będziesz miał prawidłowy plik konfiguracyjny (zrób kopię) i przejdź do sprawdzenia https.
W opisie pakietu: nie ma nic wspomniane o ssl'u.
Tutaj ... ian-Jessie masz jak przekompilować ze źródeł Debianowych z obsługą SSL na jessie.

W celu sprawdzenia z jakimi opcjami został skompilowany squid:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

squid -v
i poszukaj linii "configure options:".
Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 09 listopada 2010, 12:31

Post autor: stefan1818 »

Witam raz jeszcze.
Udało mi się skonfigurować squida i nawet działa :) tzn port 3129 intercept oraz port 3130. W firewallu przekierowałem tylko jeden port (tak jak było w tym linku, nie robiłem na razie ssl).
Po testach uruchomiłem e2guardiana i w jego konfiguracji ustawiłem port nasłuchiwania 8080 a port proxy na 3129 (czyli tak aby to on stał przed proxy. Dodatkowo zmieniłem w iptables przekierowanie ruchu z portu 80 na port 8080.
Strony przestały chodzić, a w logach pojawiają mi się takie wpisy (testowane na [url=][/url]


Kod: Zaznacz cały

Sep 29 10:25:28 bib-fw e2guardian[2705]: Proxy not responding - still waiting after 14401 seconds
Sep 29 10:35:28 bib-fw e2guardian[2705]: Proxy not responding - still waiting after 15001 seconds
Sep 29 10:45:28 bib-fw e2guardian[2705]: Proxy not responding - still waiting after 15601 seconds
Sep 29 10:55:28 bib-fw e2guardian[2705]: Proxy not responding - still waiting after 16201 seconds
Sep 29 11:05:28 bib-fw e2guardian[2705]: Proxy not responding - still waiting after 16801 seconds

Kod: Zaznacz cały

2015.9.29 11:20:47 - [URL][/URL]  GET 0 0  1 403 text/html     - - 
2015.9.29 11:20:47 - [URL][/URL]  GET 0 0  1 403 text/html     - - 
2015.9.29 11:20:47 - [URL][/URL]  GET 0 0  1 403 text/html     - - 
2015.9.29 11:20:50 - [URL][/URL]  GET 0 0  1 403 text/html     - - 
2015.9.29 11:20:51 - [URL][/URL]  GET 0 0  1 403 text/html     - - 

Kod: Zaznacz cały

2015/09/29 11:20:51 kid1| WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: [url=][/URL]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: pl,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: identity,gzip,deflate
DNT: 1
Cookie: onet_cinfo=1;; onet_cinf=1; ea_uuid=201509100803152697300747
Via: 1.0 bib-fw (squid/3.4.8)
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Connection: keep-alive

Kod: Zaznacz cały

1443518447.020      7 TCP_MISS/403 349 GET [URL][/URL] - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1443518447.020     35 TCP_MISS/403 441 GET [URL][/URL] - ORIGINAL_DST/ text/html
1443518447.197      0 TCP_MISS/403 349 GET [URL][/URL] - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1443518447.197      0 TCP_MISS/403 441 GET [URL][/URL] - ORIGINAL_DST/ text/html
1443518447.233      0 TCP_MISS/403 349 GET [URL][/URL] - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1443518447.233      0 TCP_MISS/403 441 GET [URL][/URL] - ORIGINAL_DST/ text/html
1443518450.403      0 TCP_MISS/403 349 GET [URL][/URL] - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1443518450.403      1 TCP_MISS/403 441 GET [URL][/URL] - ORIGINAL_DST/ text/html
1443518451.577      0 TCP_MISS/403 349 GET [URL][/URL] - HIER_NONE/- text/html
1443518451.577      0 TCP_MISS/403 441 GET [URL][/URL] - ORIGINAL_DST/ text/html

Jeszcze zamieszczam config e2guardian chociaż nie wiem czy coś można w nim skopać bo jest dość prosty w konfiguracji ;/

Kod: Zaznacz cały

# e2guardian config file for version 3.2.0

# Language dir where languages are stored for internationalisation.
# The HTML template within this dir is only used when reportinglevel
# is set to 3. When used, e2guardian will display the HTML file instead of
# using the perl cgi script.  This option is faster, cleaner
# and easier to customise the access denied page.
# The language file is used no matter what setting however.
languagedir = '/etc/e2guardian/languages'

# language to use from languagedir.
language = 'polish'

# Logging Settings
# 0 = none  1 = just denied  2 = all text based  3 = all requests
loglevel = 2

# Log Exception Hits
# Log if an exception (user, ip, URL, phrase) is matched and so
# the page gets let through.  Can be useful for diagnosing
# why a site gets through the filter.
# 0 = never log exceptions
# 1 = log exceptions, but do not explicitly mark them as such
# 2 = always log & mark exceptions (default)
logexceptionhits = 2

# Log File Format
# 1 = Dansguardian format (space delimited)
# 2 = CSV-style format
# 3 = Squid Log File Format
# 4 = Tab delimited
# Protex format type 1 – Tab delimited, squid style format with extra fields
# for filter block/result codes, reasons, filter group, and system name –
# used in arrays so that combined logs show originating server.
# Protex format type 2 – Same format as above but system name field is blank
# – used in stand-alone systems.
# 5 = Protex format
# 6 = Protex format with server field blanked

logfileformat = 1

# truncate large items in log lines
# allowable values 10 to 32000
# default 2000
# unlimited not longer allowed - 0 will now set default of 2000 
#maxlogitemlength = 2000

# anonymize logs (blank out usernames & IPs)
#anonymizelogs = off

# Syslog logging
# Use syslog for access logging instead of logging to the file
# at the defined or built-in "loglocation"
#logsyslog = off

# Log file location
# Defines the log directory and filename.
#loglocation = '/var/log/e2guardian/access.log'

# Dymamic statistics log file location
# Defines the dstats file directory and filename.
# Once every 'dstatinterval' seconds, stats on number of children, in use and free, number of 
# connections and connections per second are written to this
# file. Format is similar to sar.
# Default is not to write stats.
#dstatlocation = '/var/log/e2guardian/dstats.log'

# Interval between stats output
# Default 300 = 5 mins
# Minimum 60 
# Maximum 3600 = 1 hour
#dstatinterval = 300  # = 5 minutes

# Statistics log file location
# Defines the stat file directory and filename.
# Only used in conjunction with maxips > 0
# Once every 3 minutes, the current number of IPs in the cache, and the most
# that have been in the cache since the daemon was started, are written to this
# file. IPs persist in the cache for 7 days.
#statlocation = '/var/log/e2guardian/stats'

# Network Settings
# the IP that e2guardian listens on.  If left blank e2guardian will
# listen on all IPs.  That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc.
# Normally you would have your firewall protecting this, but if you want
# you can limit it to a certain IP. To bind to multiple interfaces,
# specify each IP on an individual filterip line.
# If mapportstoips is 'on' you can have the same IP twice so long as 
# it has a different port.
filterip =

# the ports that e2guardian listens to.  Specify one line per filterip
# line.  If both mapportstoips and mapauthtoports are set to 'on'
# you can specify different authentication mechanisms per port but
# only if the mechanisms can co-exist (e.g. basic/proxy auth can't)
filterports = 8080

# Map ports to IPs
# If enabled map filterports to filterip - number of filterports must then be same as
# number of filterip
# If disabled will listen on all filterports on all filterips.
# on (default) | off
#mapportstoips= off

# the ip of the proxy (default is the loopback - i.e. this server)
proxyip =

# the port e2guardian connects to proxy on
proxyport = 3129

# Proxy timeout 
# Set tcp timeout between the Proxy and e2guardian 
# Min 5 - Max 100
proxytimeout = 20

#Proxy failure log interval
# The interval between log status entries when proxy is not responding
# minimum is proxytimeout - maximum 3600 (= 1 hour)
# default = 600  (= 10 mins)
#proxyfailureloginterval = 600

# Proxy header exchange
# Set timeout between the Proxy and e2guardian 
# Min 20 - Max 300
proxyexchange = 20

# Pconn timeout
# how long a persistent connection will wait for other requests
# squid apparently defaults to 1 minute (persistent_request_timeout),
# so wait slightly less than this to avoid duff pconns.
# Min 5 - Max 300
pcontimeout = 55

# Life depends on Proxy 
# if proxytimeout is expired, E2 is killed 
# usefull for load balancer or proxy pac failover
# off (default) | on
# alivewithproxy = on

# Whether to retrieve the original destination IP in transparent proxy
# setups and check it against the domain pulled from the HTTP headers.
# Be aware that when visiting sites which use a certain type of round-robin
# DNS for load balancing, DG may mark requests as invalid unless DG gets
# exactly the same answers to its DNS requests as clients.  The chances of
# this happening can be increased if all clients and servers on the same LAN
# make use of a local, caching DNS server instead of using upstream DNS
# directly.
# See [URL][/URL]
# on (default) | off
#!! Not compiled !! originalip = on

# Banned image replacement
# Images that are banned due to domain/url/etc reasons including those
# in the adverts blacklists can be replaced by an image.  This will,
# for example, hide images from advert sites and remove broken image
# icons from banned domains.
# on (default) | off
usecustombannedimage = on
custombannedimagefile = '/usr/share/e2guardian/transparent1x1.gif'

#Banned flash replacement
usecustombannedflash = on
custombannedflashfile = '/usr/share/e2guardian/blockedflash.swf'

# Filter groups options
# filtergroups sets the number of filter groups. A filter group is a set of content
# filtering options you can apply to a group of users.  The value must be 1 or more.
# e2guardian will automatically look for e2guardianfN.conf where N is the filter
# group.  To assign users to groups use the filtergroupslist option.  All users default
# to filter group 1.  You must have some sort of authentication to be able to map users
# to a group.  The more filter groups the more copies of the lists will be in RAM so
# use as few as possible.
filtergroups = 1
filtergroupslist = '/etc/e2guardian/lists/filtergroupslist'

# Authentication files location
bannediplist = '/etc/e2guardian/lists/bannediplist'
exceptioniplist = '/etc/e2guardian/lists/exceptioniplist'

# Per-Room definition directory
# A directory containing text files containing the room's name followed by IPs or ranges
# and optionaly site and url lists
# Think of it as bannediplist and/or exceptions on crack
# perroomdirectory = '/etc/e2guardian/lists/rooms/'

# Show weighted phrases found
# If enabled then the phrases found that made up the total which excedes
# the naughtyness limit will be logged and, if the reporting level is
# high enough, reported. on | off
showweightedfound = on

# Weighted phrase mode
# There are 3 possible modes of operation:
# 0 = off = do not use the weighted phrase feature.
# 1 = on, normal = normal weighted phrase operation.
# 2 = on, singular = each weighted phrase found only counts once on a page.
# IMPORTANT: Note that setting this to "0" turns off all features which
# extract phrases from page content, including banned & exception
# phrases (not just weighted), search term filtering, and scanning for
# links to banned URLs.
weightedphrasemode = 2

# Positive (clean) result caching for URLs
# Caches good pages so they don't need to be scanned again.
# It also works with AV plugins.
# 0 = off (recommended for ISPs with users with disimilar browsing)
# 1000 = recommended for most users
# 5000 = suggested max upper limit
# If you're using an AV plugin then use at least 5000.
urlcachenumber = 1000
# Age before they are stale and should be ignored in seconds
# 0 = never
# 900 = recommended = 15 mins
urlcacheage = 900

# Cache for content (AV) scan results as 'clean'
# By default, to save CPU, files scanned and found to be
# clean are inserted into the clean cache and NOT scanned
# again for a while.  If you don't like this then choose
# to disable it.
# on = cache results; do not re-scan
# off = do not cache; always re-scan
# (on|off) default = on.
scancleancache = on

# Smart, Raw and Meta/Title phrase content filtering options
# Smart is where the multiple spaces and HTML are removed before phrase filtering
# Raw is where the raw HTML including meta tags are phrase filtered
# Meta/Title is where only meta and title tags are phrase filtered (v. quick)
# CPU usage can be effectively halved by using setting 0 or 1 compared to 2
# 0 = raw only
# 1 = smart only
# 2 = both of the above (default)
# 3 = meta/title
phrasefiltermode = 2

# Lower casing options
# When a document is scanned the uppercase letters are converted to lower case
# in order to compare them with the phrases.  However this can break Big5 and
# other 16-bit texts.  If needed preserve the case.  As of version 2.7.0 accented
# characters are supported.
# 0 = force lower case (default)
# 1 = do not change case
# 2 = scan first in lower case, then in original case
preservecase = 0

# Note:
# If phrasefiltermode and preserve case are both 2, this equates to 4 phrase
# filtering passes. If you have a large enough userbase for this to be a
# worry, and need to filter pages in exotic character encodings, it may be
# better to run two instances on separate servers: one with preservecase 1
# (and possibly forcequicksearch 1) and non ASCII/UTF-8 phrase lists, and one
# with preservecase 0 and ASCII/UTF-8 lists.

# Hex decoding options
# When a document is scanned it can optionally convert %XX to chars.
# If you find documents are getting past the phrase filtering due to encoding
# then enable.  However this can break Big5 and other 16-bit texts.
# off = disabled (default)
# on = enabled
hexdecodecontent = off

# Force Quick Search rather than DFA search algorithm
# The current DFA implementation is not totally 16-bit character compatible
# but is used by default as it handles large phrase lists much faster.
# If you wish to use a large number of 16-bit character phrases then
# enable this option.
# off (default) | on (Big5 compatible)
forcequicksearch = off

# Reverse lookups for banned site and URLs.
# If set to on, e2guardian will look up the forward DNS for an IP URL
# address and search for both in the banned site and URL lists.  This would
# prevent a user from simply entering the IP for a banned address.
# It will reduce searching speed somewhat so unless you have a local caching
# DNS server, leave it off and use the Blanket IP Block option in the
# bannedsitelist file instead.
reverseaddresslookups = off

# Reverse lookups for banned and exception IP lists.
# If set to on, e2guardian will look up the forward DNS for the IP
# of the connecting computer.  This means you can put in hostnames in
# the exceptioniplist and bannediplist.
# If a client computer is matched against an IP given in the lists, then the
# IP will be recorded in any log entries; if forward DNS is successful and a
# match occurs against a hostname, the hostname will be logged instead.
# It will reduce searching speed somewhat so unless you have a local DNS server, 
# leave it off.
reverseclientiplookups = off

# Perform reverse lookups on client IPs for successful requests.
# If set to on, e2guardian will look up the forward DNS for the IP
# of the connecting computer, and log host names (where available) rather than
# IPs against requests.
# This is not dependent on reverseclientiplookups being enabled; however, if it
# is, enabling this option does not incur any additional forward DNS requests.
logclienthostnames = on

# Build bannedsitelist and bannedurllist cache files.
# This will compare the date stamp of the list file with the date stamp of
# the cache file and will recreate as needed.
# If a .processed file exists for an item (e.g. domain/URL) list, then that
# will be used instead, if it is up to date (i.e. newer than the unprocessed
# list file).
# This can increase process start speed on slow computers.
# Fast computers do not need this option.
# on | off, default = on
createlistcachefiles = on

# Prefer cached list files
# If enabled, e2guardian will always prefer to load ".processed" versions of
# list files, regardless of their time stamps relative to the original
# unprocessed lists.  This is not generally useful unless you have a specific
# list update process which results in - for example - up-to-date, pre-sorted
# ".processed" list files with dummy unprocessed files.
# on | off, default = off
prefercachedlists = off

# Max content filter size
# Sometimes web servers label binary files as text which can be very
# large which causes a huge drain on memory and cpu resources.
# To counter this, you can limit the size of the document to be
# filtered and get it to just pass it straight through.
# This setting also applies to content regular expression modification.
# The value must not be higher than maxcontentramcachescansize
# The size is in Kibibytes - eg 2048 = 2Mb
# use 0 to set it to maxcontentramcachescansize
maxcontentfiltersize = 256

# Max content ram cache scan size
# This is only used if you use a content scanner plugin such as AV
# This is the max size of file that DG will download and cache
# in RAM.  After this limit is reached it will cache to disk
# This value must be less than or equal to maxcontentfilecachescansize.
# The size is in Kibibytes - eg 10240 = 10Mb
# use 0 to set it to maxcontentfilecachescansize
# This option may be ignored by the configured download manager.
maxcontentramcachescansize = 2000

# Max content file cache scan size
# This is only used if you use a content scanner plugin such as AV
# This is the max size file that DG will download
# so that it can be scanned or virus checked.
# This value must be greater or equal to maxcontentramcachescansize.
# The size is in Kibibytes - eg 10240 = 10Mb
maxcontentfilecachescansize = 20000

# File cache dir
# Where DG will download files to be scanned if too large for the
# RAM cache.
filecachedir = '/tmp'

# Delete file cache after user completes download
# When a file gets save to temp it stays there until it is deleted.
# You can choose to have the file deleted when the user makes a sucessful
# download.  This will mean if they click on the link to download from
# the temp store a second time it will give a 404 error.
# You should configure something to delete old files in temp to stop it filling up.
# on|off (defaults to on)
deletedownloadedtempfiles = on

# Initial Trickle delay
# This is the number of seconds a browser connection is left waiting
# before first being sent *something* to keep it alive.  The
# *something* depends on the download manager chosen.
# Do not choose a value too low or normal web pages will be affected.
# A value between 20 and 110 would be sensible
# This may be ignored by the configured download manager.
initialtrickledelay = 20

# Trickle delay
# This is the number of seconds a browser connection is left waiting
# before being sent more *something* to keep it alive.  The
# *something* depends on the download manager chosen.
# This may be ignored by the configured download manager.
trickledelay = 10

# Download Managers
# These handle downloads of files to be filtered and scanned.
# They differ in the method they deal with large downloads.
# Files usually need to be downloaded 100% before they can be
# filtered and scanned before being sent on to the browser.
# Normally the browser can just wait, but with content scanning,
# for example to AV, the browser may timeout or the user may get
# confused so the download manager has to do some sort of
# 'keep alive'.
# There are various methods possible but not all are included.
# The author does not have the time to write them all so I have
# included a plugin systam.  Also, not all methods work with all
# browsers and clients.  Specifically some fancy methods don't
# work with software that downloads updates.  To solve this,
# each plugin can support a regular expression for matching
# the client's user-agent string, and lists of the mime types
# and extensions it should manage.
# Note that these are the matching methods provided by the base plugin
# code, and individual plugins may override or add to them.
# See the individual plugin conf files for supported options.
# The plugins are matched in the order you specify and the last
# one is forced to match as the default, regardless of user agent
# and other matching mechanisms.
downloadmanager = '/etc/e2guardian/downloadmanagers/fancy.conf'
#downloadmanager = '/etc/e2guardian/downloadmanagers/trickle.conf'
downloadmanager = '/etc/e2guardian/downloadmanagers/default.conf'

# Content Scanners (Also known as AV scanners)
# These are plugins that scan the content of all files your browser fetches
# for example to AV scan.  The options are limitless.  Eventually all of
# e2guardian will be plugin based.  You can have more than one content
# scanner. The plugins are run in the order you specify.
# This is one of the few places you can have multiple options of the same name.
# Some of the scanner(s) require 3rd party software and libraries eg clamav.
# See the individual plugin conf file for more options (if any).
#contentscanner = '/etc/e2guardian/contentscanners/clamdscan.conf'
#!! Not compiled !! contentscanner = '/etc/e2guardian/contentscanners/avastdscan.conf'
#!! Not compiled !! contentscanner = '/etc/e2guardian/contentscanners/kavdscan.conf'
#contentscanner = '/etc/e2guardian/contentscanners/icapscan.conf'
#contentscanner = '/etc/e2guardian/contentscanners/commandlinescan.conf'

# Content scanner timeout
# Some of the content scanners support using a timeout value to stop
# processing (eg AV scanning) the file if it takes too long.
# If supported this will be used.
# The default of 60 seconds is probably reasonable.
contentscannertimeout = 60

# Content scan exceptions
# If 'on' exception sites, urls, users etc will be scanned
# This is probably not desirable behavour as exceptions are
# supposed to be trusted and will increase load.
# Correct use of grey lists are a better idea.
# (on|off) default = off
contentscanexceptions = off

# Auth plugins
# These replace the usernameidmethod* options in previous versions. They
# handle the extraction of client usernames from various sources, such as
# Proxy-Authorisation headers and ident servers, enabling requests to be
# handled according to the settings of the user's filter group.
# Multiple plugins can be specified, and will be used per port in the order
# filterports are listed.
# If you do not use multiple filter groups, you need not specify this option.
#authplugin = '/etc/e2guardian/authplugins/proxy-basic.conf'
#authplugin = '/etc/e2guardian/authplugins/proxy-digest.conf'
#authplugin = '/etc/e2guardian/authplugins/proxy-ntlm.conf'
#authplugin = '/etc/e2guardian/authplugins/ident.conf'
#authplugin = '/etc/e2guardian/authplugins/ip.conf'

# Map auth to ports
# If enabled map auth plugins to ips/ports - number of authplugins must then be same as
# number of ports
# If disabled scan authplugins on all ports - number of authplugins can then be different
#  to number of ports
# on (default) | off
#mapauthtoports = off

# Re-check replaced URLs
# As a matter of course, URLs undergo regular expression search/replace (urlregexplist)
# *after* checking the exception site/URL/regexpURL lists, but *before* checking against
# the banned site/URL lists, allowing certain requests that would be matched against the
# latter in their original state to effectively be converted into grey requests.
# With this option enabled, the exception site/URL/regexpURL lists are also re-checked
# after replacement, making it possible for URL replacement to trigger exceptions based
# on them.
# Defaults to off.
recheckreplacedurls = off

# Misc settings

# if on it adds an X-Forwarded-For: <clientip> to the HTTP request
# header.  This may help solve some problem sites that need to know the
# source ip. on | off
forwardedfor = off

# if on it uses the X-Forwarded-For: <clientip> to determine the client
# IP. This is for when you have squid between the clients and e2guardian.
# Warning - headers are easily spoofed. on | off
usexforwardedfor = off

# as mentioned above, the headers can be easily spoofed in order to fake the
# request origin by setting the X-Forwarded-For header. If you have the
# "usexforwardedfor" option enabled, you may want to specify the IPs from which
# this kind of header is allowed, such as another upstream proxy server for
# instance If you want authorize multiple IPs, specify each one on an individual
# xforwardedforfilterip line.
# xforwardedforfilterip = 

# if on it logs some debug info regarding fork()ing and accept()ing which
# can usually be ignored.  These are logged by syslog.  It is safe to leave
# it on or off
logconnectionhandlingerrors = on

# Fork pool options

# If on, this causes DG to write to the log file whenever child processes are
# created or destroyed (other than by crashes). This information can help in
# understanding and tuning the following parameters, but is not generally
# useful in production.
logchildprocesshandling = off

# sets the maximum number of processes to spawn to handle the incoming
# connections.  Max value usually 250 depending on OS.
# On large sites you might want to try 380.
maxchildren = 180

# sets the minimum number of processes to spawn to handle the incoming connections.
# On large sites you might want to try 64.
minchildren = 20

# sets the minimum number of processes to be kept ready to handle connections.
# On large sites you might want to try 16.
minsparechildren = 16

# sets the minimum number of processes to spawn when it runs out
# On large sites you might want to try 20.
preforkchildren = 10

# sets the maximum number of processes to have doing nothing.
# When this many are spare it will cull some of them.
# On large sites you might want to try 64.
maxsparechildren = 32

# sets the maximum age of a child process before it croaks it.
# This is the number of connections they handle before exiting.
# On large sites you might want to try 10000.
maxagechildren = 500

# sets the number of child process to kill/fork at each 5 sec interval.
# during at gentle restart
# defaults to preforkchildren
# gentlechunk=10

# Sets the maximum number client IP addresses allowed to connect at once.
# Use this to set a hard limit on the number of users allowed to concurrently
# browse the web. Set to 0 for no limit, and to disable the IP cache process.
maxips = 0

# Process options
# (Change these only if you really know what you are doing).
# These options allow you to run multiple instances of e2guardian on a single machine.
# Remember to edit the log file path above also if that is your intention.

# IPC filename
# Defines IPC server directory and filename used to communicate with the log process.
ipcfilename = '/tmp/.e2guardianipc'

# URL list IPC filename
# Defines URL list IPC server directory and filename used to communicate with the URL
# cache process.
urlipcfilename = '/tmp/.e2guardianurlipc'

# IP list IPC filename
# Defines IP list IPC server directory and filename, for communicating with the client
# IP cache process.
ipipcfilename = '/tmp/.e2guardianipipc'

# PID filename
# Defines process id directory and filename.
#pidfilename = '/var/run/'

# Disable daemoning
# If enabled the process will not fork into the background.
# It is not usually advantageous to do this.
# on|off (defaults to off)
nodaemon = off

# Disable logging process
# on|off (defaults to off)
nologger = off

# Enable logging of "ADs" category blocks
# on|off (defaults to off)
logadblocks = off

# Enable logging of client User-Agent
# Some browsers will cause a *lot* of extra information on each line!
# on|off (defaults to off)
loguseragent = off

# Daemon runas user and group
# This is the user that e2guardian runs as.  Normally the user/group nobody.
# Uncomment to use.  Defaults to the user set at compile time.
# Temp files created during virus scanning are given owner and group read
# permissions; to use content scanners based on external processes, such as
# clamdscan, the two processes must run with either the same group or user ID.
#daemonuser = 'e2guardian'
#daemongroup = 'e2guardian'

# Soft restart
# When on this disables the forced killing off all processes in the process group.
# This is not to be confused with the -g run time option - they are not related.
# on|off (defaults to off)
softrestart = off

# Mail program
# Path (sendmail-compatible) email program, with options.
# Not used if usesmtp is disabled (filtergroup specific).
mailer = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'

#SSL certificate checking path
#Path to CA certificates used to validate the certificates of https sites.
# if left blank openssl default ca certificate bundle will be used
#Leave as default unless you want to load non-default cert bundle
#sslcertificatepath = ''

#SSL man in the middle
#CA certificate path
#Path to the CA certificate to use as a signing certificate for 
#generated certificates.
# default is blank - required if ssl_mitm is enabled.
#cacertificatepath = '/home/stephen/dginstall/ca.pem'

#CA private key path
#path to the private key that matches the public key in the CA certificate.
# default is blank - required if ssl_mitm is enabled.
#caprivatekeypath = '/home/stephen/dginstall/ca.key'

#Cert private key path
#The public / private key pair used by all generated certificates
# default is blank - required if ssl_mitm is enabled.
#certprivatekeypath = '/home/stephen/dginstall/cert.key'

#Generated cert path
#The location where generated certificates will be saved for future use.
#(must be writable by the dg user)
# default is blank - required if ssl_mitm is enabled.
#generatedcertpath = '/home/stephen/dginstall/generatedcerts/'

#Warning: if you change the cert start/end time from default on a running 
#         system you will need to clear the generated certificate 
#         store and also may get problems on running client browsers

#Generated cert start time (in unix time) - optional
# defaults to 1417872951 = 6th Dec 2014
# generatedcertstart = 1417872951 

#Generated cert end time (in unix time) - optional
# defaults to generatedcertstart + 10 years
#genratedcertend =
# generatedcertstart =

# monitor helper path 
# If defined this script/binary will be called with start or stop appended as follows:-
# At start after e2guardian has started monitorstart children with ' start' appended
# When e2guardian is stopping with ' stop' appended
# If cache stops responding with ' stop' appended
# When cache resumes with ' start' appended
# monitorhelper = '/usr/local/bin/mymonitor'

# monitor flag prefix path 
# If defined path will be used to generate flag files as follows:-
# At start after e2guardian has started monitorstart children with 'running' appended
# When e2guardian is stopping with 'paused' appended
# If cache stops responding with 'paused' appended
# When cache resumes with 'running' appended

# monitorstart - defaults to minchildren
# valid values between 1 and minchildren
# monitorstart = 0
Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 09 listopada 2010, 12:31

Post autor: stefan1818 »

Witam raz jeszcze.
Cały czas siedzę i nie mogę znaleźć błędów w mojej konfiguracji.
Jedyne co mi przychodzi do głowy to czy można zmusić squida, żeby pracował tylko w ipv4 zamiast ipv6?
w pliku /etc/sysctl.conf dodałem wpisy: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 (i tak dla wszystkich kart sieciowych też dla pewności)
ale kiedy sprawdzam porty nasłuchiwania squida:
netstat -aep | grep squid

Kod: Zaznacz cały

tcp6   0   0   [::]3129   LISTEN   root   (squid-1)
tcp6   0   0   [::]icpv2   LISTEN   root   (squid-1)
udp    0   0   *:39557               proxy   (squid-1)
udp6    0   0   *:39105               proxy   (squid-1)
Nie znalazłem w konfiguracji squida możliwości wyłączenia ipv6 - może e2guardian się gubi ?